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What Do Employers Really Think About Remote and Hybrid Work?
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Employers' views on remote and hybrid work vary widely, influenced by industry, company culture, leadership styles, and experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here’s a nuanced look at their perspectives:

Positive Views on Remote and Hybrid Work

Increased Productivity: Many employers have reported that remote work has either maintained or increased productivity. One reason is because a number of employers have chosen to use a productivity measurement tool such as MySammy – our cloud-based software specifically designed to measure the productivity levels of remote workers.
Cost Savings: Companies save on overhead costs such as office space, utilities, and other facilities-related expenses. Some employers have reallocated these savings to other areas like employee benefits or technology investments.

Talent Pool Expansion: Remote work allows companies to hire talent from a broader geographic area, making it easier to find skilled employees and promote diversity.

Employee Retention: Flexibility in work arrangements is often seen as a significant perk, helping to attract and retain top talent. Many employees prioritize work-life balance and are more likely to stay with companies that offer flexible work options.

Concerns About Remote and Hybrid Work

Collaboration and Communication: Some employers worry that remote work can hinder spontaneous collaboration and make communication more challenging, potentially stifling creativity and innovation.

Company Culture: Maintaining a cohesive company culture is harder with a dispersed workforce. Employers are concerned about employees feeling disconnected and less engaged with the company’s values and mission.

Monitoring and Accountability: Ensuring accountability and tracking productivity can be more complex with remote work. Some employers struggle with trust issues and prefer having employees on-site to monitor performance more directly. These concerns can be alleviated by utilizing productivity measurement tools such as MySammy, but some employers are unaware that such tools exist.

Technology and Security: Remote work requires robust technology infrastructure and heightened security measures to protect company data. Not all companies are adequately prepared for this, leading to concerns about data breaches and IT challenges.

Hybrid Work: A Compromise

Hybrid work models, which combine remote and in-office work, are seen as a balanced approach by many employers. They offer flexibility while still maintaining some level of in-person interaction, which can help address concerns about collaboration and culture. Here are some key points:

Flexibility and Structure: Hybrid models provide the best of both worlds—employees enjoy flexibility while having structured days for in-person collaboration.

Customized Approaches: Employers can tailor hybrid policies to fit the needs of their teams, such as scheduling specific days for in-office work.

Employee Preferences: Many employees prefer hybrid work, and accommodating this can improve job satisfaction and reduce turnover.

Industry-Specific Trends

Tech and Knowledge-Based Industries: These sectors have generally been more supportive of remote and hybrid work due to the nature of their work, which often relies heavily on digital tools and communication.

Manufacturing, Healthcare, and Retail: Jobs in these industries typically require physical presence, making remote work less feasible. Employers in these sectors focus more on safety protocols and flexibility in scheduling rather than remote options.


Employers' perspectives on remote and hybrid work are shaped by a mix of optimism and caution. While many appreciate the benefits of flexibility, cost savings, and access to a broader talent pool, concerns about collaboration, company culture, and security remain. Hybrid work models are emerging as a popular compromise, offering the advantages of both remote and in-office work. Ultimately, the success of remote and hybrid work arrangements depends on effective management, clear communication, a strong organizational culture, and taking full advantage of productivity measurement tools such as MySammy. We developed our cloud-based software several years ago to specifically answer the concerns of small business owners and managers who worried that their remote workers might not be as productive as their in-office counterparts. MySammy is intended to be used with the full knowledge of the employee, thus eliminating the need for “spyware” or website-blocking tools. Sign up for your FREE trial of MySammy today!

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